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HomeSLADS Committees

SLADS Committees

Membership Committee
To market dressage to the community.  To increase membership opportunities.
- Bev Sloop
Ex-Officio Members
Emily Couch

Horse Show Committee

To plan and implement all horse shows and act as a liaison to show management.
Chair - Jennifer Bacon, Vice President 
Ex-Officio Member
Emily Couch
Members: Carol Moffatt, Peggy Duda, Ann Orcutt, Mary Pownall, Elizabeth Cone

Awards Committee
To review and revise the awards program.  Also responsible for the determination and recognition of all awards.  To organize the annual awards banquet.
Chair – Dawn White
Ex-Officio Member
Emily Couch
Members:  Ann Orcutt, Shelly Brubaker, Chanda Mills

Banquet Committee
Ann Orcutt, Chanda Mills, Dawn White

Education Committee

To plan, organize, and implement educational opportunities for the SLADS membership.
Chair – Kelsey Henry 
Ex-Officio Member
Emily Pownall
Members: Mary Pownall, Taffy Ross, Chanda Mills, Carol Jenkins, Sarah Szachnieski

Communication Committee
To develop better communication with the SLADS membership and community through different media.
Chair – Sarah Szachnieski 
Ex-Officio Members
Emily Couch
Members: Taffy Ross

Volunteer Committee
To attract train, and coordinate volunteers and to create a volunteer reward program.
Chair –Dawn White
Ex-Officio MemberEmily Couch
Members: Carol Moffatt, Ann Orcutt, Deana Tennill, Caroline Bean, Lisa Kadel

Junior/Young Riders Committee
To develop and promote a fun environment and encourage young rider participation in SLADS.
Chair – Chair needed 
Ex-Officio Member
Emily Couch
Members:  Chanda Mills, Elizabeth Cone, Angel Bommarito,

Audit Committee
Chair –
Ex-Officio Members

Emily Couch


Nominations Committee 

Sponsorship Committee
To solicit sponsorships, both corporate and individual, for the GMO, the 501c3 and it's activities, including recognized show, educational opportunities, the scholarship program and the annual banquet. 
Chair – Chair needed
Ex-Officio Member
Emily Couch

Members:  Mary Pownall, Caroline Bean